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Reception (or EYFS – Early Years Foundation Stage) is the first year of schooling here at Bourne Alliance Multi Academy Trust.

Principles of the EYFS:

EYFS Curriculum

Our curriculum is learner centred. Key person-relationships with pupils are cultivated to ensure pupils feel safe and secure.  We pay close attention to the characteristics of effective learning to carefully examine the ways in which individual pupils learn.  The prime areas PSED, CLL and PD are given priority, to ensure that pupils are developing the skills they need to access our classrooms and broader  curriculum.  Pupil’s interests are used to present knowledge and skills in familiar contexts. Our curriculum is carefully sequenced using expert knowledge provided by cross trust subject leaders and teams.  Our curriculum explicitly teaches pupils skills and gives time for retrieval through enabling environments. Our curriculum follows the Educational Programmes and is steeped within the local context of Sittingbourne and the surrounding villages. Trips, visitors and activities are carefully planned to secure pupils ‘cultural capital’.   A strong emphasis is given to early language with close attention being given to oracy, drama, vocab and phonics.  

Curriculum Topics