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Bobbing Village School

Small in numbers, large at heart.

Mr Tom's Forest School

 Mr  Toms Forest School was first established  back in 2021 by Miss Harwood and the  Amazing, Kind and Hard-working Mr  Tom.​ Mr Tom    worked at  Iwade  School for many years and was an amazing individual who we all  like to remember.​ He was such an inspiration to us all that when  he sadly passed away, we decided to name our Forest  School after  Mr  Tom in his memory.

Mr Tom's    FS Site back in 2021  -Back when we first started...

Mr Tom's Forest School  July   2024   -   Growing and Improving Daily...

At Bourne Alliance, years 1, 3 and 5 will take part in 10  Forest School Sessions over the school year. The    sessions will run over 2 terms. This will enable the children to experience the different seasons throughout the year. The Children at Bourne Alliance will attend a two-hour session either in the morning or in the afternoon. This allows all children in those year groups to take part and build on their Forest School Skills and knowledge as they progress up through the school.

Our  plans for this current academic year (September 24 - July 25) are to have the children visit Forest School in the following order.

Term 1 - Year 3

Term 2 - Year 5 

Term 3 - Year 3

Term 4 - Year 1

Term 5 - Year 5

Term 6 - Year 1

Forest School Timetables and supporting information will be sent out to the parents the last week of the term before your child is due to start their Forest School Journey. They can also be found using the links at the bottom of this page.

Please click  here to  view our Forest School Gallery.

Class Dojos

The children  will still have the opportunity to earn  their Class Dojos, whilst at Forest School,  Forest School  Dojos will be awarded for the following  behaviour:


1 x Forest School Dojo  - Ready and Listening 

The 'Ready and Listening Dojo'    will be awarded to the children for   arriving  sensibly and safely , sitting nicely showing that they are    ready and listening to the Forest School Daily Safety    Briefing. The children can also earn a dojo for showing they are ready to return to class  at the end of  their Forest School session. 

1 x Forest School  Dojo - Safe

The 'Safe    Dojo'    will be awarded for showing 'Safe' behaviour whilst at Forest School. This may be shown  whilst den building, playing in the mud kitchen, during tool work and also for the duration of their time spent at Forest School.

1 x Forest School  Dojo - Respect

The   'Respect Dojo' will    be awarded when the children show the Forest School Site, wildlife,    other children, equipment and staff respect, respecting  the Forest School Site itself and all of its equipment, using the equipment safely and respectfully and treating the school grounds with respect and care.

Please click here for our Termly  Forest School Newsletters 


What  do the  Children think?


"I enjoyed making things and singing songs with Miss Harwood"

" I loved the Gardening and the Creativity"

"I like that you can build almost anything from Natural materials."

"Forest School   is very three R's , It teaches us to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle' - Henry  

"We are rooted into fun" - Reece

"Forest School allows us to take adventures  and try new things"

"We loved finding creatures, we even found a slowworm"

"We loved cooking  Marshmallows on the campfire"

"When we shared moments outside it was like we were camping"

"This is the best day of my life"

"Can I    stay?"

"Forest School is so fun, I wish every school had one"

"Forest School is my favourite subject like maths"

"Forest School is amazing, and I love everything about it"

"I did not want it to end"

Jaxon -   "This is the Muddiest, Best, Muddiest, Best Day Ever!"

Thelma  -  whilst laying on a hammock with her hands behind her head "This is the life !"

Miss Harwood  "Fantastic Tidying...." "Child - Thank you, Miss Harwood. I just want the other children to have the same amazing experience I have had"

What will the children learn?

  • Knot Tying
  • Shelter and Den Building
  • Cooking on the campfire
  • Woodland Crafts
  • Whittling  and other tool techniques like ‘Sawing’ ‘Drilling’ ‘Splitting Wood’ ‘Carving’
  • Weaving
  • Climbing
  • Exploring
  • Pond Dipping
  • Building
  • Fire Lighting Techniques
  • Tree and Plant Identification
  • Story Telling
  • Safe Tool Use
  • Animal Tracks
  • Nature Games
  • How to grow  vegetables ..
  • All about the environment and what we can do to   protect our  wildlife and surrounding areas.

The list is endless…


In order for the children to participate in the above activities we rely on donations  from the  local community and public, If  anyone would like to help our Forest School by donating any of the below items please feel free to email me  on

Thank you.

Items we will always be happy to accept :

  • Pallets (No painted pallets please)
  • Seeds, Plants and Plant Cuttings
  • Scaffolding Boards
  • Gardening Equipment and tools
  • Childrens and Adults Waterproofs  (Hats / Gloves/ Scarves / Socks)
  • Cable Drums - All Sizes please
  • Flower Pots 
  • Logs
  • Tree Stumps and Tree Branches 
  • Garden Tables , Chairs and Sun Loungers 
  • Milk Bottle Tops  
  • Bark
  • Stones 
  • Bricks
  • Garden  Canes

We thank you all for your continued support.

Many Thanks

Miss Harwood                                           


In Loving Memory of Mr Tom.